Sales Automation Glossary

Explore commonly used sales and sales automation terms.

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Win & Loss Reasons

Win & Loss Reasons

Precise factors that influenced a sale or missed opportunity.

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Win Rate

Win Rate

The percentage of qualified proposals that a sales rep converts into sales.

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Win Rate

Win Rate

Total number of won opportunities divided by the total number of qualified opportunities over a given time.

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YoY Growth

YoY Growth

Year over Year Growth helps track the performance of a SaaS company over time, marking the percentage growth compared to the prior year.

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Zero-touch Conversion

Zero-touch Conversion

Process of user becoming a customer without direct contact from the sales team. It relies heavily on intuitive design, effective in-app messaging, and automated email sequences.

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Zone of Genius

Zone of Genius

This refers to the skillset or expertise that a salesperson excels in. By focusing on their "zone of genius," SaaS sales reps can maximize their effectiveness and performance.

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